Uni-verse’s API is its central component, being a gateway to every other micro-services in Uni-Verse’s architecture. It interacts with :

  • Stripe
  • Minio
  • Elastic Search
  • RabbitMQ
  • MongoDB

This API is meant to be hosted at this address, and its auto-generated OpenAPI compliant documentation is available here.

About the tech #

Typescript #

The whole project is coded in typescript and ran in NodeJS, for the versatility and ease of development (let’s not forget this is a POC and not a commercial product)

NestJS #

This Nest was the framework of choice for a few different reasons:

  • The architecture is well defined and future-proof, which is important for such a big project.
  • It allows a fait amount of scalability for the app, with extensive documentation on how to actually scale.

Swagger #

Thanks to Swagger, we could auto-generate a documentation for this web API and save a good amount of time while being compliant to OpenAPI specifications. That documentation also has the advantage to be interactive.

Mongoose #

Uni-verse relies on Mongo DB with Mongoose ORM for persistence. Although it might not perform as well as a relational database for most usecases, it allowed us to get a POC working faster.

Docker #

Uni-verse’s architecture is complex and has numerous components. To get a development environment working easily, we rely on docker with docker-compose. This also alows setting up the production pretty easily using docker swarm, in case of a pre-production environment, or a demo for instance.

Using docker, it’s trivial to deploy images for this API on registers via CI and then pull them when needed.

ESLint et Prettier #

This API is made to be a demonstration of good software craftmanship. In this endeavour, we made use of Eslint and Prettier to check and enforce good practices across the codebase.

Lint and formatting checks are performed on any PR before they can be merged to the main branch.

Github Actions #

As mentioned before, CI/CD plays an inportant role in this project. This is where Github Actions shines. We leverage GH Actions on different aspects of the project:

  1. Enforce best practices via Prettier and ESLint checking on each PR (no one can push to master)
  2. Run unit and integration tests on each PR
  3. Build and push the Docker images to our registries.

Winston + Filebeat #

This APi’s logs are written in a file that’s shared with Kibana using Filebeat so that they can be thoroughly analyzed if ever needed. This allows having a dashboard with a good overview on what’s going on in the app.